
Invited architect Lucas Carneiro

Devolução presents the confrontation between the intentional acceleration of the buildings decomposition process, the extension of the disuse and the functional uncertainty overlaid by free expansion of an attentive and silent organic complex.

This Third Landscape ruptures through the weakness of previous scale and robustness, highlighting the ephemerality of human action. More than ensuring new uses or social dynamics, it's intent is to highlight, through a radical demonstration, the biological continuity that remains indifferent to our conditioning and temporal norms and what it's role in the public, collective or strictly private space. Is this frequent urban phenomenon the consequence of a functional indecision or a natural element with latent qualities?

Harshest Critics

Invited architect Sofia Melo

Harshest Critics reflects about women's role within the artistic community. Inspired by an exhibition of Guerrilla Girls group at the Whitney Museum of American Art, a feminist group of artists who defend the valorization of women and the importance of rupture with their absence in the cultural field. By creating an image with enough impact for passers-by who walk the streets of Porto everyday, the installation seeks to reflect on the constrains and stigmas that affect artistic femininity.

Housing is a human right

Invited architect Joana Amorim

Housing is a human right results from a collage with references to images from the performance Bodies in Urban Space by the artist Willi Dorner and inspired by the theme of housing and collage techniques by artist Martha Rosler. The appropriation of this storefront with the image of a stack of people, reflects on the problems and consequences of housing and the respective incomes inflated by tourism in the city of Porto.


Invited architect Abílio Silva

At RIMAX all empty spaces are available. RIMAX presents itself as the first non-profit real estate to interact in the market. In our company, the owner provides a short-term lease agreement allowing the loan of his property for recreational and cultural purposes, namely exhibitions, concerts, informal conversations or any other activity that promotes community sociability. It is expressly forbidden to sell any licit or illicit item within the spaces mediated by RIMAX. Similar to a capitalist propaganda, we reproduce the type of communication used by neo-liberalized dynamics of the contemporary urban processes, in order to promote a complete subversion of those purposes. For more information, please consult our website at